Saturday, March 24, 2012

Strenuous activities

Even though the first hours in the country were uncomfortable and tiresome (see post below), we have had a great time here so far. We bought a minivan in Auckland, allowing us the freedom we want and need. Weather conditions (wind!) stopped us from doing some hikes up the volcanoes on the northern island so instead we made a three-day, 88km long canoo trip in Wanganui National Park. A beautiful but tiresome trip. Needless to say the circumference of our arms has doubled since. 


This is Belgium said...

gorgeous pictures, you too look wonderful, handsome, in great spirit, and more handsome, like you're having the time of your lives !
breathtaking views
understandable that electricity and internet are hard to find
keep trying ... though

Thom's said...

My first thought upon seeing the first foto was "espèce de salopard.. !"

Enjoy mec !

boskabout said...
